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Saturday, November 30, 2013





Abhishek Poddar


20 yrs

Educational Qualification*

(Degree and College)

St. Stephen’s College, Delhi


Work Experience(Years)*


Work Experience(Company)*

: Information refers to date in which candidate appeared for GDs/Interview.
Names of other MBA institutes where offered admission(if any)


Group Discussion

Case Study – Case of the dying fish (Zuari Agro case)
(First case in IIMA Study material)

Number of Evaluators


Number of Participants


Time Duration

15-20 mins

Brief Description of the GD: (issues raised, whether noisy or quiet GD etc.)

Started off with 5-6 people in the same time. In the middle a bit chaotic.
One evaluator intervened And tried to calm us down. Then became very ruly.
Proper flow of ideas.

Jot down issues raised – 2-3 minutes for that.

Comments on your performance in the GD

I thought I had done well.

I started off the case study – I had read the case before and so I knew about the case. I felt that it was pretty impressive.

Interview Process
Number of evaluators


Time duration

25-30 mins

Description of the Interview (Questions asked and your response) – please elaborate

Q: (we were asked to get xerox of marksheets – I went without them) How can you come without your marksheets. What happens when you become a manager and continue to be so careless?
A: Sir, it is totally my fault – no one else has to blame for it. I admit it is a gross blunder on my part.
Q: Who stands to lose?
A: I
Q: Only you? Who else will lose?
A: I and the company I will be working for.
Q: Not just you and your company – who else would lose?
A: (after some thought) I think it will be a multiplier effort – the society, the country also would lose.
Q: Express the repercussion that your carelessness would have on society mathematically.(since I have mathematics background)
Q: Sir, the repercussion cannot be captured in mathematics equations – there is a lot of difference between theory and reality. I don’t think that mathematics would be able to express the repercussion of my actions on the society.
Q: Try to express as a mathematical equation.
A: (After thinking for sometime)
R = e ^ (-kT)
Q: What are the terms used?
A: R : Repercussion ; k : constant term; t : a parameter which is defined by four variables.
Q: What are the four variables?
A: (gave them four variables – and the interviewers were visibly impressed)
Q: Tell us two examples which are similar to Zuari Agro?
A: Talked about 1) the Narmada Dam project and 2) Enron Project

Q: What are your extracurricular activities?
A: I had worked for Social Service League – which is a college society involved with social causes.
Q: Why are you interested in Social causes?
A: Makes me happy and satisfied…
Q: What was your role in the organisation?

Q: Will you be able to do similar things after MBA?

 Comments on your performance in the Interview
Second part about examples similar to Zuari Agro went very well.

Thought it was okay.


Unknown said...

Can you please suggest a good institute for CDPI preparation?

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