Here are some tips for dressing appropriately for an MBA interview:
Dress professionally: Wear a suit or formal business attire, such as a dress shirt and slacks or a skirt. Avoid overly casual clothing like jeans or t-shirts.
Choose neutral colors: Opt for neutral colors like black, navy, or gray for your suit. Avoid bright or flashy colors, as they can be distracting.
Pay attention to details: Make sure your clothing is clean and well-maintained, with no visible stains or tears. Iron your clothes and polish your shoes to make a good impression.
Avoid distractions: Avoid wearing bold patterns or excessive jewelry, as these can be distracting and take attention away from your skills and qualifications.
Consider the culture: Consider the culture of the organization you're interviewing with and try to align your attire with their norms. For example, if the company has a more casual culture, you might opt for a blazer and slacks instead of a full suit.
Essentials: Men
•Wear calf length cotton dresssocks that match your suit
•Wear low heeled conservative dress
shoes that are color coordinated with your suit, ideally black.
•Carry a leather folder in black/brown to carry your CV/other
•Hair: Get a professional Haircut before the interviews. A short
hair cut is the best bet for men
•Clean shaven is the best way to go. If you have beard, goatee or
moustache, shave it off for interviews
•When it comes to wearing a
fragrance, always remember not to over do it. Keep the fragrance mild.
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•Make up should be subtle.
Choose neutral or light shades for nail varnish and lipstick. Bright colors are
a absolute no no
•Tie your hair in a neat hairstyle
with hair pulled back from face.
•Clip nails short, along their shape
•Earrings should not dangle below the earlobe. No more than an
inch is acceptable
•For business wear, footwear should be closed toe and closed heel.
No Strapy sandals, chapals. Plain leather footwear works best. Heels not more
than 2-3 inches
•Avoid chunky jewellery, bangles or anklets or anything which
creates sound
•Carry a leather folder in black/brown to carry your
CV/other documentsFor those of you who are planning to wear a shirt n tie, make sure you keep the following pointers in mind:
1) Ideally, go for a solid shirt with striped tie
2) DO NOT wear checked shirts with striped ties or vice versa. If you are wearing a check or striped shirt, wear a solid tie.
3) Stick to blues and whites. Do not experiment too much with colors on Interview days
4) Your shirts should be crisp n well ironed. Buy a new shirt if you can
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