Saturday, November 30, 2013
Chebiyyan. V. B. Sankar
Educational Qualification*
(Degree and College)
B. Tech(Metallurgy) IIT – Madras
Work Experience(Years)*
Work Experience(Company)*
* : Information refers to date in which candidate appeared for GDs/Interview.
Names of other MBA institutes where offered admission(if any)
Group Discussion
Case study – Case of dying fish – Zuari Agrochemicals
Number of Evaluators
Number of Participants
Time Duration
25 mins
Brief Description of the GD: (issues raised, whether noisy or quiet GD etc.)
There is a chemical factory(for fertilisers) in Goa set up with foreign collaboration, which is releasing waste to sea. The atmosphere is getting polluted and fish are dying. People of the region who are fishermen raise a lot of hue and cry about this. Other than killing fish, it is also contaminating the agricultural lands. Th State government supports the fishermen. However the central government feels that state should view the full country’s food situation and fertiliser requirements and not close down the plant. What are your views about the case?
GD :
Very cool GD.
Not a fish market at all.
There were 6 or 7 IITM participants – so, not very aggressive, everybody put forward points and linked them to reasons(perhaps because of this, from the group, 5 got through finally).
As it was an analytical case study, so anyone could talk and look at issues from different perspectives.
Evaluators were pretty cool – no interference from them – they were watching and standing in a circle.
Comments on your performance in the GD
I got a chance to speak whenever I wanted to.
Put forth 2-3 strong points which I made(e.g. for a foreign collaboration to shut down, it could send wrong signals to the whole investor community)
Spoke 4- 5 times., and was satisfied with my participation.
In IIM GDs, there is no need to dominate, as profs want active participation and aggressiveness is not required. Make sure when you speak, others are listening – also listen to the others points to be aggressive. It is important to listen clearly in the GD as it would help you summarize later.
Interview Process
Number of evaluators
Time duration
20 mins
Description of the Interview (Questions asked and your response) – please elaborate
Q: Draw an Iron Carbide(FeC) phase diagram.(since I am Metallurgical Engg, this is a usually asked question)
A: I was well prepared and could draw the same easily.
Q: what is stainless steel, what is their composition?
A: Answered correctly.
Q: Find a stainless steel object in this room.
A: Looked around the room – then showed them the watchbase which is made of stainless steel.
Q: (I had participated in the Maths Olympiad and represented A.P. which was mentioned in the biodata) They gave me a problem of differential calculus
A: I could solve it easily.
Q: Suppose a ladder is sliding down when it is leaning against a wall. What is the maximum area it will enclose during falling?
A: I was able to solve this using calculus- but the answer is really simple, greatest area enclosed is when the 2 sides(the wall and the bottom) in which ladder leans are the same. If length of ladder is "L" max. area enclosed would be : (L^2)/4)
Q: The second questioner asked me a very vague question about suns and stars which did not make any sense at all and was very abstract. Whatever I answered, he said no.(maybe he wanted to check out whether I am open to others points of views when I am not sure)
A: After sometime, I admitted that I did not really understand the question.
Q: (I read newspapers about politics – mentioned in Biodata) What is the performance of parties in AP?
Q: why is Chandrababu Naidu not doing well in the present elections(that was a couple of years ago)?
Q: Tell us about the Naxalite problem in the state.
A: Answered well
A: Would you like to have a look at my certificates?(I asked them this question for a change…)
Q: Yes – they took the certificates and glanced through them
Comments on your performance in the Interview
Fill up the form very well and carefully - the questions are asked about that.
The interviewers are not testing your analytical skills etc. I feel that they would like to know more about your communication skills.
Ajay Zener
Educational Qualification*
(Degree and College)
B. Tech(Diary Tech.),
Work Experience(Years)*
Work Experience(Company)*
* : Information refers to date in which candidate appeared for GDs/Interview.
Names of other MBA institutes where offered admission(if any)
Group Discussion
Personnel Related Case Study
Number of Evaluators
Number of Participants
Time Duration
15 mins discusion
Brief Description of the GD: (issues raised, whether noisy or quiet GD etc.)
There is a Corporate Head(HR) in a company who is very nice and gets along well with all people. People often consult him for help and advice. One person(named "A") approaches him for a job because he is right now jobless. The HR head takes the guy’s qualifications and asks him to come after a week – however, since no job available, he keeps frequently postponing the job offer. A keeps visiting the HR head often and becomes his close friend.
Then, one day, "A" confides with the HR Head " I was in prison for 18 years for a crime that I had not committed. When two years remaining of the sentence, I ran away from jail. Even now, police is in look out for me."
The HR Head tells the person to go home and that he would give him a job – however as soon as he leaves, the HR head calls up the police and gives the details of "A" and asks them to arrest "A."
Because of this betrayal of trust by the HR head, people in the organisation have started losing faith in him A senior person in the office complains to the VP that the HR head has "broken faith" – so, others could not come to him.
Assume that you are the VP of the company. What would you do about the situation?
GD Description:
Very structured GD, no chaos and very smooth.
Everybody spoke and put forth points
People also gave an introduction before starting
Comments on your performance in the GD
The professors usually keep moving about and stand close to the persons talking – so, the GD does not degenerate to a fish market.
IIMA GDs do not look for a solution but at different viewpoints.
I talked the least in the GD – but I was the only person in the whole group who got selected. Maybe that was because I made good points.
Interview Process
Number of evaluators
3(only 2 asked questions, the thrid only looked through certificates.)
Time duration
25 mins
Description of the Interview (Questions asked and your response) – please elaborate
Q: Academics related questions for 10 mins.
Q: Which diary product do you like the most(because I am from Diary Tech)
A: Asido-philous milk.
Q: Why do you like this product?
A: This product is made only in India and in Karnal.
Q: What are the characteristic of products and how are they different from actual milk. How is it pasteurised and what are the problems faced in pasteurisation?
Q: How is cheese made?
Q: What are the micro-organisms used for making cheese.
Q: What is your favourite micro-organism?
Q: Question on different cycles – Kerb cycle, Electron transport chains, Browning equations
A: I was able to give a brief answer to what these cycles were about.
Q: Please draw the Browning Equation on paper.
Q: Sorry sir, I have a very limited knowledge of Browning Equation. I cannot draw it on paper.
Q: In 1991,. Yoghurt was launched as a complete milk product. However, it flopped in the market. How would you market "Yoghurt" in case you were the marketing manager?
A: Yoghurt is not consumed in India traditional – I feel that to make it popular, it should be made as close to curd as people identify with the taste. Yoghurt is used as a dessert but curd is taken during meals. If we use "Yoghurt" as a dessert, then it would compete with ice-creams and not the usual milk products.
Q: What do you mean by animal husbandry?
A: Do not know as I have not studied as yet.
Q: So, you are not eligible for IIM-A.
A: I told them about my summer training where I did market research survey and my achievements in the project. I am good at marketing and would like to pursue the same in IIMA.
Q: If you are a collector of some district in Patna, then what are the three main social problems?
A: Population rise, illeteracy, and unemployment.
Q: What is the main problem?
A: Illiteracy
Q: How can you remove illiteracy?
A: (I am from Kerala and had seen how the illiteracy campaign was carried out there)talked about how they could go about removing illiteracy.
Q: What are the socia-political issues in Kerala?( 15 mins. on Kerala)
Q: what is the illiteracy rate in India?
A: I don’t know.
Q: Make a guess.
A: 54.56(the interviewers laughed as I made a guess upto two decimal places. After coming out, I realised how close I had been to the answer – the actual illiteracy rate is 54.55)
Q: Who pioneered the illiteracy program in Kerala?
A: I do not know.
Comments on your performance in the Interview
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